Job Destination ALPS – EPISODE 1

In order to show our candidates what its like to work in a Hotel in the the beautiful Alps, we are starting a series of interviews and video chats with poeple who are already working in Austria or Switzerland. They want to share their stories and experiences and bring Austria as a prime Job destination closer to you.

Up first is Tiziano Buseto, a young Bartender and hospitality professional from Italy who is going into his second season at a 5* Resort in Salzburg.

Job destination Alps

Tiziano Buseto
Age: 25
Nationality: Italian
Profession: Chef de Rang, Barkeeper
Working at: 5* Resort Travelcharme Werfenweng, Austria
Working since: February 2022
Placed by: AlpJobs – Peak of Career


Question: Tell us a little bit about your experience working in a Hotel in Austria?

Tiziano: In this Hotel I started working in the dining room in the position of a Chef de Rang. This was a big challenge at the beginning, because it was different from what I was used to. They had the kitchen and dining room on 2 different floors, so it was physically very demanding, plus I had to adapt to a new system which I was not used to.
On the other hand I really enjoyed it and I learned many new things like the culture, new dishes and types of food, like Schweinebauch or Knödel. Also living in the mountains was new to me and I had to adapt.
Pretty soon after I had started working at Travelcharme, they were looking for young dynamic people to work the bar and they offered me a position working at the bar. I jumped on that opportunity because I wanted to try something new and I always had fancied a bar positions. It turns out that now I love it, I think I always were a bar keeper at heart, and I totally love working there now. It’s a totally different experience, knowing about drinks and what to mix with what in order to make it taste good. Before I had always been a consumer at the bar, but now I am on the other side and I see a different side of it. Mixing 2 bottles can create an amazing result and catapult you into new spheres! (laughs)


Question: What was the best and what was the worst about it during this time?


Tiziano: The worst in the beginning was the whole mountain dynamic and the setting of the hotel in “seclusion“ in a village.  This took time to adjust to. The line between personal and professional life blurred and you feel like you are working the whole time. I am adjusting to it by finding hobbies and entertainment to do besides work. I like hiking or meeting with colleagues, working out in the fitness center of the hotel or go skiing. It’s very important to have a personal life, to take your mind off the job in your free time.

The best part was that I found a new calling, I am enjoying my new profession. I am engaging with people, the guests, I meet people from all over the world who are on holiday, so there is always a great mood and great spirit around. This also enspires me in my free time, to enjoy myself and learn new things. I am completely experiencing the Austrian mountain life, like having 1 meter of snow in front of your house for example. The place is breath taking, totally amazing with the mountains glowing in the morning sun.


Question: How do you compare this job to previous ones or to working on a cruise ship?

Tiziano: Before this job I already had been working in many other countries, like Italy, Germany (Berlin), France, and even overseas.
So compared to Italy for example, I can say that the salaries in Austria are much higher, you get better better benefits, the work ethic is more cultured and more professional. In Italy most businesses are family run so you have a lot of nepotism which is hard to deal with sometime. That’s different here, it is a healthy working environment, performance oriented. So if you are a good at your job, you get a chance to move up and make a career. In Italy I didn’t  see those opportunities. The working environment is more “democratic” if you will, simply more professional and you get more opportunities. I for example already got offered to get included in a program from the hotel chain to train for a management positions, and I only have been working here for 8 months. In Italy that would never happen.


Question: How are the earnings and also compared to other jobs / cruise ships?

Tiziano: I had a similar position in Italy and received 500 euros less net, this is also due to the economical health of the country, but still. Also in Austria ther is more attention to each worker and employee, it allows them to get better and develop if they want. That’s a huge diffence, even compared to Germany. I was doing a full time positon in a catering service, and received several hundred euros less, I was working in diffenet positions every da which was cool. But the job was much harder, also physically and less money.


Question: What tips can you give to someone who considers a Job in the Alps? What should you be prepared for?


Tiziano: If you gonna work in the mountains be ready to find it harder to move around, especially without a car. This can be really hard in the beginning. Also there is a kind of solitude if you are not used to that, but there is also a lot of positive things about that as I found. You get to know yourself better and find out new things about yourself. Professionally speaking it takes a little adjustment to the food types, cause it is different from what you might know. Other then that the people are super friendly and really nice. Its been in general a very nice experience. Also living in the mountains allows you to save up most of your money since the food and housing is all included. You cannot really spend a lot of money, so this is really a big plus. Its comparable to the savings you can make on a cruise ship actually.


Question: Why would you recommend Austria as a work destination in hospitality?

Tiziano: I recommend it to experience new realities and places. If you get the chance to work there, you should jump on it. I always thought it was the same as Germany but it really isn’t. Its actually much better! (laughs)
I benefitted from my move to Austria both professionally as well as personally because I learned a lot of new things, got offered opportunities and I was trusted with new tasks I thought I would not be ready for. This really gave me great confidence and put me ahead in my career and profession. Being thrown into the LION PIT kind of really moved me forward and put me years ahead.


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